Most people don’t know animals very well it seems
Maybe it’s just me knowing animals well but over time it just seems animals are one thing people just get things wrong about but confidently or they just don’t know about them. Like on videos of kangaroos or other marsupials I’ve noticed many comments saying kangaroos aren’t mammals they’re marsupials, as if marsupials aren’t mammals. Just today on an opossum video a comment said opossums are cold blooded, and another saying they’re marsupials not mammals (yes ik they’re both). Some other things
In high school I had a biology teacher correct me when I said hyenas aren’t dogs, her saying they are. I can understand most people thinking that but a bio teacher kinda blew my mind.
Quite a few people I've both met and seen on the web wondered how cows got pregnant. When they found out it's due to bulls, their minds were blown. A good bit of people didn't know bulls and cows are both the same species but different sexes.
Most people don’t know animal sounds. I was at animal kingdom the other day and in line of the safari they play animal sounds. A man behind me called the lion growls warthogs and an elephant “screaming” (not trumpeting but that sound elephants make when they get hurt or startled) a tiger.
According to a zookeeper on tiktok, visitors have approached her about a video that got pretty well known saying when bald eagles get old they like… bash their beaks on a rock and get a new one. Something along those lines, and many people believed it according to her.
The whole wild dog and hyena confusion thing. I get like a quick glance they look similar but if there’s a sign or safari guide telling you what they are and you’re still saying hyena then well.
My buddy got mad at me one time because he said read a book years ago that said sharks are mammals (which is funny because the day prior we went to the Georgia aquarium). I told him they were fish and he looked it up. Didn’t say anything as he stared at his phone, but he got mad that he was wrong but never admitted sharks were fish. I never got upset I just watched him look it up and get mad.
The whole bugs aren’t animals thing. Many people think insect is a separate kingdom if its own.
Also many people, more than you think, confidently believe dinosaurs were not reptiles and some even say dinosaurs were birds. Yes birds are dinosaurs, but I’m almost certain brachiosaurus wasn’t a bird.
Snake chasing myths, especially cottonmouths here in the south.
Pandas not being bears to more people than I thought.
Also, and this is probably nitpicking and I guess kind of understand it but subconsciously, it kind of gets me when people say breed instead of species for wild animals, like when people say breed of shark, or breed of snake, or breed of bear etc.
I’m sure there’s more but that’s what comes to mind. I feel more people need to connect with nature a bit.