Can I yumeship with a toxic guy like this?

(TW medical kink mention, dehumanization mention)

I was introduced to yumeshipping by a friend who isn't on reddit anymore. At first I was one of those "get out and touch grass lol" people, but my feelings for Dottore became so intense I couldn't be in denial anymore.

However, Dottore is so mischaracterized by the main fandom that it's practically impossible to say you like him without being labelled gross. None of us are underage, but in one of his most popular ships, Dottore x Scaramouche, the latter is frequently drawn looking underage despite not being underage. Dottore is practically seen as a creep, and it's treated as canon despite nothing in canon suggesting it.

But even though Dottore isn't a creep in a sexual sense, he has a habit of treating ppl as nothing more than test subjects without human rights. Calling them by numbers instead of names in a dehumanizing way, tying them up, ect.

But I have a huge doctor kink and I'm ok with it in a Risk Aware Consensual sense. Is it still seen as problematic?

I don't really mind wacky stuff, as it's fictional in the end, but I'm actually literally in love with Dottore, and that love isn't fictional. So I can't be limitless when it comes to actually being in love with a character, rather than just liking to write him and read all kinds of fanfics on him like I do with other characters.

But man do I love the thought of him just owning me, body and soul. I won't have to think for myself and I won't have nearly as many responsibilities. Is it ok?

(I am NOT underage, and I'm ok with seeing 18+ stuff. I am ok with sharing unless the person is forcing their ship and headcanons on me.)