How to win with Argostars?
So, I've been wondering what exactly is the intended "winning image" of the Argostars archetype. In other words, how does the theme intend to win using its in-archetype cards and mechanics?
I checked the archetype's members, which include "five" monsters (technically only two, which are Main Deck effect monsters, as the other three are Continuous Trap Cards that can turn into monsters). Going by this, I feel their main gimmick revolves around the three Trap Monsters activating themselves repeatedly while their two proper Effect Monsters provide advantages and support to the Trap Monsters.
That being said, I still couldn't figure out how Argostars is meant to win in-theme. Instead, it appears that the Trap Monsters would be instead used as "easy Xyz/Link mats" as usual, which kind of defeats whatever the deck's intended playstyle is.