What Was Your First JANK Boss Monster?
Might not be something you’re too familiar with if you got into the game in a post-yugitubing world (I’m honestly not sure). But for us Yugiboomers at least there was a time where cards like Mirror Force, Solemn Judgement, and Dark Armed Dragon basically didn’t exist in the card pool until they either got put in structure decks or one schoolmate was lucky enough to have pulled it. This meant that your first boss monsters were mostly Jank built off of whatever synergies you could find.
I’ll never forget mine in particular was Green Baboon Defender of the Forrest. This dude was a pain to get rid of. There were SO many Beasts whose sole purpose was to die (Giant Rat, Nimble Momonga, Playful Possum, etc). Then you get 2 Green Baboons in rotation and they replace each other. Then if you get Spiritual Forest in play you have Battle Protection!
Obviously this completely falls apart to any card that can remove the big man from play. But I got a big kick when Green Baboon and Spiritual Forest were put in the Speed Duel Battle City Box.