Caleb Hammer Sucks
Hi I am an actual financial advisor and I think Caleb is probably the most disgusting individuals on Youtube and here's why:
He lures poor vulnerable families in with the promise of financial advice only to berate them and make them look stupid. You may say "but they volunteered for it so it's on them". Well if he's offering free financial advice and promises to change their lives then yes ofc they're gonna take that offer. I will also ask you this, if a doctor approaches a bunch of homeless people with the promise of shelter in exchange they undergo medical experiments and they all die from said experiments, is it their fault for taking the doctor up on his offer?
His advice goes against the advice of actual credited advisors (He's a music major btw). If someone has a kid or has recently been laid off it is very hard for them to consistently decrease their food budget or give up some of their most used subscriptions. (KEY WORD: CONSISTENCY). You can get mad at the people for not following his advice, but his advice is intentionally meant to be ridiculous so they viewer would get frustrated which leads me to my last point.
To put it simply HE HAS BAD INTENTIONS. His only goal is to make sure to get everybody involved mad and riled up over something as stupid as a Spotify subscription. When ur trained as a Financial Advisor you're taught to always accommodate your clients budget so they can more easily stick to that budget. Yelling at someone and calling them an idiot will only seek for more than an hour then proposing a budget that they could not follow will only set them up for failure, which is what he wants so he can bitch about Gen Z some more.
Just wanted to get this off my chest because ik people who worship this guy and I'm like why?