Youtube adding video to last playlist by default - how to revert back to old system?

As you know Youtube changed its "Add Video to..." setting some time ago. Clicking the button will now adds the video to the last playlist you added a video to. It used to be that it would open a list of your playlists for you to chose from. This list now only appears upon clicking the "Add to" button a second time, and the video needs to be removed manually from the playlist it was automatically added to.

I understand Youtube's thought process here. For people who just dump all videos into one playlist, this might have made things a little easier. For those of us who keep their playlists sorted by music genres for example, this has increased the average amount of clicks. This is kind of annoying, considering there was nothing wrong with the old system, and just feels like change for the sake of change.

Does anyone know if this can be changed somewhere? I've had a look around in the settings, but couldn't find anything.