Dear Mods, Please create a megathread for these NSFW ad posts

I can't take it anymore! 99% of these posts here are people saying "This ad is bad" "This ad is not allowed" and I am getting tired of seeing these posts. I know I am just some random person in this subreddit but still I know I am not the only one...

If you are atleast gonna make a post "complaining" then atleast blur the name, Because then you are fr giving them free advertising..

Normally I do not mind trends, But this has been going on for months now and these posts are just gross. Just report the ad and move on with your day, It is not hard, and you are preventing from random people seeing these ads. And if you really want people to see these "bad" ads then post it on subs like r/YouTubeAds but NOT. HERE.

Edit: Oh yea, and I forget to mention that I am active on Shorts a lot but even I have never seen these ads. That is your algorythm then so you must be watching these kinds of video's more often.