[POSSIBLE FIX] YouTube videos not loading issue

Hello everyone.

So last night YouTube randomly stopped loading videos for me. Like others, I could search, queue, and everything else would load without issue, the video just wouldnt play.

This has been going on for 10+ hours for me, and after trying everything else, restarting pc, restarting wifi, etc. I saw someone who randomly commented about disabling an emoji extension. I didnt have this extension but decided to try disabling others I did have, and sure enough as soon as I turned off "Adblocker for Chrome - NoAds, A powerful adblocker for all websites." Videos started to load and play again. The OG AdBlocker doesnt seam to impact YT so that should be fine, its just the other AdBlock extension somehow.

Im not sure if this is intentional on YTs part or not, (if blocking videos loading because an extension is even possible), or if somehow some extensions are just breaking YouTube from an update or something, I dont know. But Anyway hope this info can help out some others.

If you dont have this version of AdBlock, I encourage you to try disabling other extensions to see if it helps. Happy video watching and a good day to all :)