People are not complaining because they are entitled. They are complaining because Google pushes ads that are intrusive, obstructive, unmoderated, and are funding a site that sells personal information.
You don't like seeing those posts about "My videos are being blocked!" I get it. You don't like seeing it spammed over and over. Well guess what? People don't like having to sit through 15 second unskippable ads (which are already dumb as it is). People don't like how the ads are being COMPILED on top of each other. People do not want to deal with hundreds of commercials on top of each other.
That is what led to many people cutting the cable and lessening their time on tv. The amount of ads being pushed on videos is reaching ludicrous amounts. Along with the increased price hikes and gentrification of content, advertisements became all consuming on television to the point that there were products being sold to SKIP commercials (one such product even being almost sued in court).
Yes, maybe you're lucky and you don't have to deal with ads that last 2, 3 minutes at a time, pushing a product you will never use, on a video that is no more than 30 seconds. Maybe there are people who feel entitled to their content and not have to pay anything. That's true too, entitled people live everywhere. Here's the problem:
Those problems DO exist for OTHER PEOPLE. Just because it doesn't affect you negatively does not mean it is 100 percent satisfaction for everyone else, and the same for those who don't want to spend 2 and a half years going through mindless ads. But the biggest problem of all is that the only choice people get is to either pay more money to a company that already makes money off them WITHOUT recompense (and yes, they do. This is a fact) or they have to deal with being secluded for their decisions to not want to be flooded with inane, babbling stupid products and "deals".
Youtube had a solid deal with ads before in the past, and few people complained. No, not everyone was happy about it all, but the complaints back then were small and barely a blip on the radar. NOW the problem is corporate greed overtaking yet another platform, and our decisions to reject such greed being used to deny both content creators (who make money off WAY MORE than just ad revenue) AND content consumers.