walked out of a class today - AIO?

I go to a lovely class in my local leisure centre every Monday, and today I decided to try their Thursday class as the Monday class is cancelled for the next couple of weeks.

I went in and the teacher wasn’t there yet, the lights were bright, so I was browsing my phone on the mat. Normally in the other class, the teacher is already there, the lights are dimmed with fairy lights she bring, and it’s like entering a calm studio.

The teacher marched in the minute the class was due to start, switched all the lights off, muttered to herself, and then turned to us and said to put our phones away. I felt cautious about leaving my phone at the far edge of the hall for security, so I tucked it under my mat. The teacher came up to me and demanded I put the phone away from the area, saying to everyone in a manner I found sarcastic “if you can’t detach from your phone for an hour then you’re not doing yoga”. Which, I don’t disagree with, and I wouldn’t usually be on my phone at the start of class, but the hall wasn’t lit in a way that I felt I could relax, and I was moving to put my phone away from me when asked, so I didn’t appreciate feeling like I was being corrected like a child.

In that moment, I decided I didn’t want to stay for the class, because I felt singled out and I just didn’t vibe with the teacher. So I took my phone, took my mat, and walked out.

Keep me honest here - I know my defensive reaction isn’t serving me, and is probably a massive overreaction to a reasonable request, but lately I’ve been struggling to let these things go.

I had a similar burst of anger in class earlier this week when a latecomer rocked up next to me during the teacher’s intro and loudly asked (again probably reasonably, although she could have chosen plenty of other spaces) “can you move your shoes away from here and get rid of your stuff”. At the time I knew I should just do it and let it go, but it still managed to piss me off the whole way through practice, which is why I was so quick to flee today when the calm of my mood was broken once again. I’d welcome any suggestions to better “get over it”.

Edit: thanks for the many replies. In summary, you’ve collectively helped me to recognize that while I wasn’t wrong to feel anger in the moment, I reacted defensively because I was called out on my own inconsiderate behaviors I’d been oblivious to, and I need to lock my phone away and put my shoes out of the edge next time. But equally I don’t need to stay or go back to a class when I’m not feeling it, for whatever reason, no explanation needed. And it would serve me better to find a way to let my emotions go once I’ve recognized them, to avoid stewing on them or leaning in to the drama of who was in the wrong.