My "YNAB Poor" epiphany
I can now say I understand the term "YNAB poor." These last 4 months have been a much greater stress relief than I imagined. It took me a while to catch on to a few concepts, but the Help staff have been fabulous. I reconcile several times a week, just because it makes me happy to not worry, and am always aware of how much money I have (sort of). Mostly I just glance at the two numbers to make sure they match, always opening YNAB first (no particular reason), but don't really pay attention to the actual numbers. Today I opened the bank website first, and this is the first time I've seen $1,000+ in my account this late in the month. I just stared at it for a minute wondering what bill I forgot to pay. After checking YNAB I realized that all of those dollars have an actual job. I don't have "extra" money but all my expenses are/will be covered. I think because I'm not used to seeing something over 3 digits in my account is what made me look twice. I'm nowhere near where I want to be, but I'm creeping along successfully. Next step is to pay off 3 credit cards. Fortunately I've been able to put the cards away and not use them, so I'll get there.