(New image link) YZY FW24 hoodie sample from LAA depop, looks like HD-01

Pic of the hoodie is here since it makes Reddit's image embed implode, apparently

I'm not gonna be super mysterious about this pickup like most sample collectors tend to be, so I'll spill everything I know

-This is a made in USA size 3 and was the only one they had up iirc. I paid a grand total of $60 to snipe this -Going off of tag and cut style, this piece was likely made between October and December 2024
-It came in a grey that looks like it's between the Black Dogs heather grey and the on-site dark grey, I'll just call it vapor grey
-Cut is in line with most Yeezy longsleeves, this one in particular lines up with the JIK crewnecks the most, cuffs and waistband look and feel like a refined Black Dogs gen 1 hoodie
-The hood on this one is a bit bigger than the ones on the gen 1 hoodies