Yakuza 3: play or watch?

I’m sure this is a VERY age-old topic amongst the fandom, but I’m at a bit of a crossroads. I am on my very first time journey in the Yakuza franchise and am going in chronological order (0 to 8, with the spinoffs sprinkled in when necessary like playing Gaiden and LJ before 8). I’ve been having a blast so far and was excited to get into Y3 despite all the criticisms I’ve read of it. I started playing it though, I am up to Ch 4 and I’m not gonna lie…the gameplay is kind of a big yikes. I know it’s unfair to judge against the much more modern gameplay of 0/K1/K2, but even judging it on its own I had such a hard time at the first boss and the constant blocking and the low damage is really getting to me. Plus the upgrade system is honestly like a worse K1 so far, I’m not a fan

But I don’t want to miss the story since I know Y3s story is done really well, and I’ve experienced that from these first 4 chapters and I’ve been really enjoying the narrative of it and find Kiryu and the orphanage extremely endearing. Same with Rikiya and the whole crazy beginning events with Daigo got me super interested. So if y’all were to be 100% honest, should I just watch cutscenes of Y3 in like a movie format online, or is it worth enduring the gameplay in hopes of it getting better? Honestly any answer will help, really appreciate it. Take care!