Possibly old, definite burnout. How to train?
Hello everyone! 35F here (for info).
So I’ve been training on and off for the better part of 15 years (in gym, but was a sporty active kid and teen) . The off being injuries and life. Started off as a weightlifter (with a coach). For various reasons including being absolutely shit at it, and injury, was forced to back off.
It’s fine though because I focused on squats, pulls, cleans and getting aesthetic. Loved volume, loved intensity. Ran programs from my coach (high volume, high intensity). Then relied on Catalyst athletics mainly. I looked good, I lifted well, and until recently I was decently strong.
Here’s the problem now. My body feels beat up and I just cannot get myself out of the house to train. It gives me so much anxiety, and I just can’t seem to follow a program for longer than 2 weeks. I think I’m just burned out.
So here I am hoping to get some advice on programming when you’re not in your 20’s and with burn out. Any advice/suggestions would be appreciated. What programs do you like? If you’ve been through something like this - how did you train? Are there programs well suited for this? I just can’t seem to handle volume well anymore either physically or mentally. But I’ve never not done high volume so I don’t even know what to try now and still maintain stats.
I like back squats, front squats, pulls, cleans, rows. I can’t really put much up overhead due to injuries. As of my last testing (of RMs), this February I had
3RM front squat: 90 kg 8 RM back squat: 110 kg 8 RM deadlift: 115 kg
This was after 6 months of half arsing it and being inconsistent so take that as you will. It’s not great I know, but not bad either. I’m 57 kg. And haven’t tested 1RMs in a very long time.
Thanks everyone! Sorry if this is all over the place!