Looking for a xbox360 game from around 2015-16

I used to play a game on Xbox 360 when I was really young, around 2016. It was in first person, but there were no characters—just the “camera” view. You were inside a big building, kind of like a megastore with 3 floors. Each floor had a number of rooms (I think around 8 per floor). The screen was always facing forward, and you used the left analog stick to move left or right to select a room, and up or down to change floors.

Once you selected a room, you could modify it. Some rooms had pedestals where you could place things, and you could customize the layout. The graphics were somewhat realistic but not fully photorealistic (it was from the 2015-16 era, so not too advanced). The game was really easy to understand, even for a young child.

Does anyone know what this game is? Thanks in advance!