Using dreams to write books more efficiently.
Let me preface this by saying that this isn't an instantaneous event which will happen overnight. If you choose to try this, be aware that the process will take time.
Just learn lucid dreaming(but it'll take time).
My plan was to live out my books within my dreams, so that I would be able to figure out problems with scenes, fix dialogue, fix plot threads if needed, as well as being able to describe the environments which exist in the books in much greater detail.
Being able to be at those places and live through the stories(while refraining from committing violence since you'd essentially be harming yourself, although i don't know the specifics of how that would affect a person) really allows me to get a feel for what the world is like. I don't know how this idea hasn't really been brought up before, as far as I know, because so far it's actually working to great effect!