Violence at a tournament?
Two weeks ago our son was competing in a tournament, and before his finals match he was cheering on a teammate. The teammates opponent went into a rage when he lost, and totally freaked out. It was on a roid rage level, taking 3 coaches to subdue him.
While my son and his teammates were walking away, they let the kid go and he punched my son in back of the head, then went for a knockout hook to the side of his head. It fortunately did not KO him. The director of the tournament blew off the incident and said, "this stuff happens all the time". Well, I disagree. It doesn't.
My son's weight is 138lbs, this other kid was wrestling at 175-180lbs and was a jacked kid. His wrestling sucked. All communication has been cut off by the school district with me, as I asked to speak to the coach. They are not allowing it.
My wife is pissed this kid assaulted our son, and could have seriously hurt him or another person. We've been advised to press charges. What say you guys?