Let us buy past season Elite PvP sets
As the title says, I think it's high time that we're allowed to purchase previous seasons Elite sets for Honor Tokens.
Before anyone starts saying that you should have to earn the rating to get those sets, lets change the narrative.
Imagine if when a season ended you could no longer enter the Mythic difficulty raid? Would that not be the same thing? Then all those Mythic colorations are only allowed to be worn by the people who achieved them when it was content.
Or to the folks that say, "Let us buy them if we get the required rating during the current season" I can somewhat agree there - but again, lets change the narrative a little. Should we only be allowed to enter a seasons Mythic raid if we have X number of clears of that seasons normal raid? Say 10, 20, 50?
Even if the Elite sets were 1 additional expansion behind (right now previous expansions PvP sets are able to be purchased with Honor Tokens, so 2 expansions back for Elite sets) I think that would be fair. Add some additional flair to the sets like they did with tier sets and 2500 rating that is only obtainable during the current seasons. Along with the Rank 1 mounts, those should be a prize that can't be reacquired later.
I just want the previous seasons elite colorations... my transmog library needs it for completions sake. And, a lot of them look really good.
Edit: I misspoke when I said previous seasons. The current way its done is the previous expansions PvP sets are available for purchase with Honor Tokens when the new expansions come out - Dragonflight PvP sets were just added on the 11.0.5 patch. I believe Elite sets should be added at the same time, or even 1 year behind (So Shadowlands Elite sets would be available for tokens currently, but not DF)