What class fantasy spells or utilities you really miss from specific classes? Something old or maybe you want something new?

I was thinking about the old days of wow and as Paladin main since wotlk. I really miss our Paladin blessings (buffs) we used to have:
Blessing of Might
Blessing of Wisdom
Blessing of Kings
Blessing of Sanctuary (prot)

and some older ones:
Blessing of Light
Blessing of Salvation

I would love to get these back as part of Paladin class fantasy. I'm glad we got the Battle ress as part of our kit, but man do I miss some small buffs that I could give to people.

If I would make them back to wow this day, I would propably do them like:
Blessing of Might = increases your attack power by 3% and additional 5% dmg as holy
Blessing of Wisdom = increases your spell power by 3% and additional 5% dmg as holy
Blessing of Kings = increases all secondary stats by 1% (mast, crit,haste,versa)
Blessing of Sanctuary = increases 1 or 2% parry and block change and also increases stamina by 5%
Blessing of Light = increases healing done by 5% and gain 1% mana every 6 sec (12% in 1 minute)

All blessings duration is 1 hour.

Some of these propably need some tuning so they would be equal to each other and balanced when looking other classes buffs. Every blessing have their use cases depending on class and spec. Tried to think so they would be different from example: Warrior "Battle shout" which gives 5% attack power.
These are only PVE in mind. Propably too OP for having 1 class have so many different buffs to give other players because of M+ these days, but you can always dream. Raids most likely have atleast that one paladin somewhere (or not if you hate them).

What you would hope to get back or is there anything new you would like to get to your class kit?