Happy New Year's Spotlight Portal
- Happy New Year's Spotlight Portal
- During the event period, a free 10-Pull per day will be available for the Happy New Year’s Spotlight Portal. Oct 20, after maintenance - Oct 24 19:59 (UTC)
- The free 10-Pulls will reset at 20:00 (UTC) daily during the event period.
- 20/10/2021 - 09/11/2021
Featured Units:
- Noene (Limited)
- NY!Eliya (Limited)
- NY!Luluca (Limited)
- NY!Yuwel (Limited)
- NY!Rebecca (Limited)
- Caro
JPN Community Evaluation:
Pecan's GL New Player's Guide:
- Rating: 5.5
- Evaluation: "Noene is a very strong power flip support and healer for fire, NYEliya is an okay water skill damage unit and NYLuluca is a really strong support for fire power flip. NYYuwel and NYRebecca are unfortunately really terrible."
- Maintained by Pecan Of Pies#8173 and Neмι#0420, so go thank them :)
Meow's Character/Schedule Database:
- Evaluation: "Noene is THE healer for fire teams/power flip, but also time limited"
- Maintained by Meow#8796, so go thank him :)