Is doing something better than doing nothing?
I’ve been doing kind of a mix of all body workout, and it’s been working pretty well, but I’ve got worries that I’m not doing enough. I’m not gonna hurt myself, but I do 12-24 reps of each workout, then I switch. So like I do bicep curls, barbell press, tricep pulldown, leg press, pull ups, then treadmill. I need to say, idk if what I’m doing is good or even correct with posture and technique. Part of me says “I’m not doing this right, I have no idea if what I’m doing will workout my body, I want to go home” the other part says “it doesn’t matter if it’s not the exact correct technique or posture, as long as I’m workout my body, I’m improving”. Is my second mindset good? I don’t have anyone with me so I can’t confirm if what I’m doing is correct. I want to make friends at the gym, but everyone seems like there in their own headspace doing their own thing.