Dad came home early with a toddler

This might just be a vent bc I don’t have a lot of working mom friends. I wfh. My husband is hybrid in the office 3 days a week. He takes the little to and from daycare. We only have one car bc we live in a very walkable area. My daughter had a drs apt and I made it as late in the day as play possible to disturb as little of the day as we could and he was going to take her . Apt at 330 I get off at 4. He comes home at 2 with her and says just act like we aren’t here… like excuse me. She’s 2.5. My day is shot and my husband thinks I’m overreacting. Would this be an issue for you? I might be overreacting bc I’ve been stressed.

Edit- I work on the main floor with no doors he’ll help keep her away but won’t stay on top of it. Maybe I am overreacting it’s just frustrating when he adjusts the schedule how he wants for no reason

Response- I will say ppl seem to be split on this so I’m glad I’m not completely outrageous. I’m not saying I was completely right but I think some ppl will see where I’m coming from. It’s like if I went to his office and said don’t worry we’ll just sit over here and it’s just kind of disruptive to our schedule. By all means this is there house just as much. Maybe a mixture of better communication and more patience on my end would have solved the issue.