Using Shellac for the first time

I made a walnut cabinet for the HiFi that I would like to finish with Shellac. I have never used Shellac before and I’m looking for some advice and guidance.

I have bought both Garnet and Blond Shellac flakes so that I can try both on some scrap pieces of walnut to decide which shade I like the most.

Reading on the internet and watching videos I’m quite overwhelmed with the number of way and options to apply Shellac: 1) What cut to make? (pounds per gallon) 2) How many coats to apply? 3) Should all coats use the same cut? Or should I change the cut on following coats? 4) How to apply it? With a brush or a pad/cloth? 5)Should all coats be applied the same way?

Please help with some advice on how to start using Shellac.