Does pretty privilege apply in the (male-dominated) workplace?

I’ve seen a sentiment shared on here sometimes that it’s best to try to look more like your male coworkers to be respected, by not wearing makeup or feminine clothing etc. I was wondering if this is actually the case (for context I have no idea bc I’m a college student, and my first internship will be this summer). Right now I’m skeptical because in every other facet of life, I get treated way better if I wear makeup and nicer clothes. People don’t notice me or care about me if I don’t make an effort to look pretty. But then again, I do think in programming or math classes, women who look more like male “nerds” are generally assumed to be more competent than more feminine-presenting women. Idk, what do you guys think? Is it worth trying to look pretty, or will I gain more respect if I look more like the males? Does it even matter?