Why are men so disappointing and dumb? Like no offense

No offense but like why are men just so… not smart? I was crocheting by my dad getting some sun in my skin yk yk while trying to get my yarn out of a giant knot and you know how annoying it is when it’s a giant knot of yarn piled up so my ball of yarn dropped and turned into an even bigger knot and was all over the garage floor and I turn to my dad ask him “Can you help me with this?” And he obviously sees I’m struggling with this yarn but he goes “Help with what?” OMGGG then I got a bit irritated and said “with this ball of yarn tangled up can you help me?” Then he goes “Just untangle it.” While reading a damn book on his phone… I was so mad that I told him never mind and to not even look at me right now then grabbed my jumbled up ball of yarn and walked inside because dude you obviously see me struggling with this GIANT ball of knotted up yarn in my lap everywhere and had me even tell you what I need help with! (No offense I love my dad but oh my god…). I don’t understand why men are so clueless like it can be right in-front of their eyes and they will still be like “HuH wHaT do YoU nEed HelP wIth?”.

And I just wanna say I have 2 older brothers and had one brother move back in for a while and so I know how annoying boys can be. The amount of time I’ve had to flush the toilet after my brother, wipe the piss stains off the seat, clean up in the bathroom, and get all the hair off my sink is insane like have some decency please I don’t understand why some men can live in a bathroom like that. I was so glad that my brother moved out again and could have the bathroom to myself again!

I just don’t understand why men act like children like I shouldn’t have to tell you to go do the most simplest things or wipe your pee pee stains off the toilet… it’s almost like men were created to irritate and test us women’s limits like all I can do is cry sometimes like I’m being so serious. {Not trying to be mean or sound stuck up but men just…sighh}