Never Naturally Thought About Having Kids?

Sometimes I feel like I’m the only one like this… Even as a kid, every time there was a baby around I was the only girl who didn’t rush over to fawn over them, I didn’t understand the obsession at the time. I also thought baby dolls toys were creepy, only had pet toys or polly pockets, whereas everyone else’s main toy was a doll. By high school all my friends kept talking about how excited they were to get married and have babies when they are older. I realized I never had those thoughts or desires, and I thought something was wrong with me. I had nothing against kids but it just wasn’t something I had thought about. Whereas the thought about having kids were consuming all my friends, I swear it was all they could think about?

Now as an adult (me and my friends range from 26-40), I still haven’t really ever had these overwhelming desires to have kids. Several of my friends are married now and either are planning to try soon, are pregnant or already have a baby. I don’t hate kids but, babies do scare me a little, and I don’t know how to interact with small children sometimes, but once they hit like 7/8 I’m half decently comfortable with them.

My partners siblings all have kids and I feel like there’s a disconnect between me and them because I don’t obsess over the children and give them all my attention when I’m over (because I’m scared and unsure). Does anyone else feel like this? I feel like I’m being viewed as a villain for this, and it’s frustrating how I can’t naturally have these feelings.