Yekaterina Ambush counter not working?
Has anyone else noticed that Yekaterina's Ambush counter doesn't appear to work since the 12/13 maintenance? I have been ambushed something like 10 times in a row. Now, it's admittedly not a reliable thing (seems to only work about 25% of the time, at least before this maintenance), so maybe I'm just unlucky. What has everyone else seen? Does it work for you?
EDIT: I'm starting to suspect that there's been some under-the-hood change to how anything with a chance to succeed is resolved, such as trying to hit with a weapon, because it also seems like attacks miss much more often, both for and against me. It's possible, of course, that there's some factor I'm missing that is different, that's just my current feeling which may or may not be correct without being able to see what's going on under the hood.