I finished Witcher 3. Here are my thoughts.

It’s taken me around 24-25 days to finish the game start to finish. This was my first witcher game I picked up on the steam summer sale(to this day I regret not getting Witcher 1 and 2 and 3 for 4 bucks, I missed my shot :(

Well I can say it was probably one of the best games I have ever played. Nothing short of a masterpiece

I will not lie. I don’t think I played this game as best I could have my first run. I pretty much went no alchemy, never crafted my own equipment(even though I could) and never parried(or blocked) in the game(besides the beginning)


The choices- I really liked the fact that there were some pivotal moments where you could choose I think that really helped in the immersion

The graphics- I liked the graphics on a bigger picture, it competes with modern games nowadays

Voice acting was amazing too

Music was amazing as well

The atmosphere of the game is unparalleled. I can’t even describe it.

The cities feel like cities holy shit was it amazing

I really loved the thought put into npc dialogue, it was fantastic(helps with immersion)

For a vast majority of the game I avoided using the fast travel(I could probably say I only used it like when it was needed but besides when it’s required, I only used it a handful of times. The ambience of the game is next level, the diversity in everything really is so good! Cons:

Choices- yeah choices is both a pro/con, there were times in the story where it felt like my choice didn’t matter(no I’m not shitting on it, it’s like a tiny minor con)

Story does get a bit repetitive- While I didn’t rush through the main quests, I did side quests that caught my interest for like the first half until skellige. at some point the game felt like Geralt being a servant like fetching a toy as a dog.(it only really irked me towards the end)

Roach gets stuck everywhere, why can’t roach jump what the hell is this, I feel like roach has such limited vertical ability(I’m not asking to jump off a cliff or something, just something small)

I really loved the game, it’s probably one of the best games out there. Solid 8.9/10 in my books.i