What would your coven lesson plan look like?
Note: Last paragraph is the question everything else is fluff
Me and a friend are planning to start a coven. It’s been the talks for a quite a bit now and considering the state of the world we’ve decided that creating community now is better than ever.
The plan is that we’ll come together once a month and have a topic to discuss and every time we meet we build on to our knowledge. The meetings will have a semi teacher classroom dynamic, where the person who knows the most will lead and keep order during discussions. There’ll be more but it’s just going to be the main thing we do in person on a regular basis.
Here’s the question: My question to you is if you were to start a coven with this type of system what would your lesson plan look like? Also what would you deem unnecessary to learn or things you wish you had learned? What books and resources do you think would be best?
(Sorry if what I wrote doesn’t have proper grammar. My first language is French)