Having a Hard Time? A Little Help.

Having a hard time?

These times, ugh .... often like a punch to the gut. Health .....News ..... Bias ..... Family Issues .... Economy .... Job Stress ..... Change ..... Parents ..... Drama ..... Depression .... Anxiety ..... Bigotry ..... You name it.

Now, you might think I don't get it, but I am a wine-drinking, pot-smoking, gay witch running a house of witchcraft and a coven at the ass-end of the bible belt. I could fill half your garage with the sour jars I've had to make over the years, well, and poppets and other dolls. My people are the black sheep, the underdog and outcast. I tell them all and now you.

I am grateful for the Hermetic Law of Rhythm a reminder the great pendulum swings, it always does, and swings as far one way as it does the other. Shrinking that cycle of "whatever", until some else blossoms out of the middle, bumps it again; wider, shorter, faster, slower .. but notice, rhythm compensates, there is ebb and flow. Now, you might think I don't get it, but I am a wine-drinking, pot-smoking, gay witch running a house of witchcraft and a coven at the ass-end of the bible belt. My people are the black sheep, the underdog and outcast. That list of guy-punch shit above, been there done that, and will have to go there and do that again ... I tell them all and now you. I take joy in that rhythm, and I choose how I will go through something, even though I may not always get to go through what I choose. Even when everything else is not ok, I AM ok. And the second blessing, knowing that this beat changes and look forward to the next round with its own blessings.  So look for the pendulum to swing, maybe give one specific pendulum in your life a deliberate push with some spell work. When it moves, ride it well. Start with what you can do, you cannot solve the world's problems, but you can work on your own home and backyard. Find a way to be supportive and find support for yourself. Learn to love yourself correctly - one of the most important lessons to ever learn. I don't know you, I will likely never see your face or grasp your hand, but we are connected and such are the things I tell myself -I get through and have much to love and enjoy. Since we are connected, I wish that for you. ;) Blessings.