Suggestions for banishing ghost attached to animal

Good morning all, I am a baby hedge witch and need help identifying appropriate elements for a spell. I am comfortable putting my own rituals together, but could use some guidance on powerful materials to include bc I have not done much ghost work, and all the resources I consult talk about banishing a ghost from a place, not an entity. The issue is that my horse has a ghost rider. (Yes, he's my familiar, and I don't say that lightly; my other animals are pets but he is a true mystic, and one of my teachers.) The ghost gentleman is not trying to harm my horse, he is just confused and thinks it's his horse. But he's on there all the time and it's a lot for my horse. I would like to rid him of the burden and help this rider go freely on his way. I'm thinking maybe a drumming journey, if he'll tolerate the noise? What else? TIA in advance for your suggestions.