I'm just gonna stop worrying

I don't know who needs to hear this, but I'm done worrying about getting spells wrong, not feeling spiritual or mysterious enough, I will stop expecting myself to get things right, even when I have planned out everything perfectly. I'm gonna stop trying to race with other witches' beautiful altars, clothes and trinkets. I will stop trying to force the facade of the "witch aesthetic" onto myself. Tiktok and social media isn't real, people on witchtok DO dress more enchanting to appeal to viewers. Modern society is so competitive and the witchcraft community unfortunately isn't immune to it. The need to exaggerate my spells and to overdecorate my altar is not good for my mental health nor my spirituality. And YES, it does affect the efficiency of spells and manifestations.

From now on, my rituals will be small, quiet and perfectly comfortable for me and I will try not to compare myself with other witches