AMA with State Representative Ryan Clancy: Mon, Feb 24th at 3pm

Hi! I’m Ryan Clancy, a State Rep in the Wisconsin Assembly and a founding member of the growing Wisconsin Legislative Socialist Caucus. I represent the 19th District, running along Lake Michigan from the UWM campus/Upper East Side of Milwaukee, a small part of Riverwest and down to Bay View. I’ll be hosting an AMA here at r/wisconsin this Monday (2/24) starting at 3pm central. Feel free to actually ask me anything -- everyone's welcome, even the folks on the right who keep me sharp. See you there!

Thanks so much for the insightful questions, all! I hope I was able to do at least some of them justice, and that the remaining ones are answered elsewhere. If you have more questions or opinions, feel free to reach out to me, either here or via the links in my profile, or feel free to say hi if we're at the same event. Really appreciate this community. And, if you can make the capacity, please try to help someone out this week. It's been an intense and scary time for many, but we can get through it together.