why do some players use this item, even though there's no tank on the enemy team? /s
blade of the ruined king (botrk) is meant to counter high-health champs by dealing percent-based damage. if the enemy team isn't stacking hp, botrk loses a lot of value. better off going for raw ad, crit, or lethality depending on your champ. what's a situation where you'd still build botrk even if the enemy team isn't stacking hp?
blade of the ruined king (botrk) is meant to counter high-health champs by dealing percent-based damage. if the enemy team isn't stacking hp, botrk loses a lot of value. better off going for raw ad, crit, or lethality depending on your champ. what's a situation where you'd still build botrk even if the enemy team isn't stacking hp?