What weird thing do your players get hung up on?
I am DMing and my players just finished battling Adgon on the Bridgand tollway. But on the way there they ran into the stilt walkers who were collecting eggs. And so, for whatever reason my player got really hung up on the eggs.
They decided to barter for the biggest egg they had and rolled at Nat 20 Nature check to identify what type of egg it is so I decided it was going to be a gaint toad egg. Now they are incubating it in a sack waiting for it to hatch. I'm not sure the real qualifications for incubating a giant toad egg but I told them as long as they were in Hither it will meet the right conditions. I told them it will hatch in 10 days.
Then we fought Adgon which went on for 13 rounds of combats. They finally managed to defeat him and were really hung up on the scarf and how it wouldn't come off and now because they want the scarf they are carrying the head around. It was getting late so we haven't rolled death effects on Adgon yet but I am planning on doing that first thing next session.
So I am just wondering what weird thing your players have gotten hung up on? It just makes me laugh what they come up with