Cynthia's vocals are incredible
I have been a diehard Wicked fan from the beginning. I am the type of fan who can listen to actresses sing defying gravity blind and can almost always name who they are based on vocal tone and/or signature riffs alone. I have followed (and continue to follow) casting news for Elphaba on the tour, Broadway, UK, and international versions, and watch every bootleg available of new casts to hear their brilliance in the role.
All of that said, I had super high expectations of this movie and was so afraid of being disappointed. When Cynthia Erivo started singing The Wizard and I, especially when she sings the climax, I knew that Elphaba's magnificent songs would be taken care of. Cynthia's ability to show emotion during her songs and her intentional choices to show Elphaba's journey throughout the first act (more youthful in TWAI, more breathy in INTG, finally showing the full capability of her voice in DG) were inspired. She also takes a score that is SO difficult and makes it sound totally effortless - I believe her when she says DG is not the hardest song she's ever sang. Lastly, the tasteful riffs she included to make the songs her own were perfect. All in all, I just want to make sure she gets recognition for the incredible performance she turned in and I can't wait to see how Elphaba evolves in part 2.