The Wizard's lack of empathy towards animals is apparent before they even begun talking about "spies"
As Chistery was undergoing the transformation, as everyone looks on in shock (and horror), the only thing The Wizard could say was "Don't bite. Don't bite!"
Chistery looked a little shocked to hear The Wizard suggest how he longingly watched birds. I'm sure this isn't mind-blowing news to anyone else but I haven't been a fan long. I think Chistery was just a lab rat to him. He took his speech so he couldn't protest. I think his scars and his eyes being different colors were probably past, failed experiments with the grimmery.
The surprised then followed by a forlorn look on Chistery's face when The Wizard speaks volumes. He can't fight for himself. To me it said "it's useless to try and say no... It is what it is..." Thoughts?