Does anyone have any info on Filmland Spirits’ portfolio?
tldr: Super hooked on the marketing but know nothing about the juice inside. No reputable info online. If anyone tried their stuff, please let me know if you think it’s worth it (specifically the bottle pictured).
I don’t usually get swayed by marketing gimmicks but man, as a film buff, they tempted me enough to put it in my cart about to push “buy”.
They use MGP’s 75/21/4 distillate. I know it won’t be exactly the same, but I’ve liked other bottles that use the same mashbill—NBC, Nulu, Blue Run, etc. Other than that, I know nothing about it. No age statement. Only a handful of reviews from sketchy underground blogs. No bars anywhere near me who carries this to try a pour. No friends who’ve tried it since they don’t distribute to my state (can only buy through Seelbach’s).
If shying has any info on this bottle to help me with this decision, it would be super helpful. Thanks in advance!