Does this sound like silent endometriosis?

I’m 30 and have one living child, conceived when I was 26 (my husband was in his early 30s). We got pregnant the first month of trying.

We’ve now been trying for baby #2 for 1.5 years—one year of trying naturally, followed by six months of IVF. My first IVF round ended in a miscarriage at six weeks after a fresh transfer. Since then, I’ve been embryo banking and haven’t done any transfers yet, but I’m planning to in the next couple of months.

Embryo quality doesn’t seem to be the issue: our fertilization rate varies between 80–100%, and about 70% of our blastocysts have tested euploid. My hormone blood tests have all come back normal, and both ultrasounds and an HSG showed no issues.

My periods aren’t particularly painful, nothing that would raise red flags. I just don’t know what else to investigate. My doctor keeps saying EMMA/ALICE testing isn’t proven to be helpful, so I’m at a bit of a loss.

Could this be silent endometriosis? Or is there anything else I should be looking into?