*HELP*! I swiched from android to IOS and now my whatsapp desktop PC app Ain't link!

me and my brother decided to switch from our androids phone to an iphone 15 pro each.
my whatsapp desktop is on windows.
his whatsapp desktop what on mac already.

i thought maybe the problem is with whatsapp as that started happening during
i reset the app microsoft app and the app on the phone, uninstalled , updated downloaded, deleted cache files, reinstalled.

for some reason:

1). he could link his phone to my windows pc
2). and i could link my i phone to his mac.
3). and of course he could link his i phone with his own mac

yet i cant link my i phone 15 pro to my windows pc app.

i looked at youtube video's which didnt help at all and there are no real guides for this.
i even tried changing DNS servers.
and tried deleteing all the chats i had on whatsapp (deep 8 years of chats)
and i had to delete all my chats and pictures with a fried who passed away just so i could try to see if maybe the too much space has a problem.

**update: i tried connecting to my wife's windows pc, appreantly it wont work with any windoes pc whatsapp!**

most of the times i see this one without a link

i use this for work too and always for the audio and video calls.
i cant just use the web browser version and i hate it because i cant make calls.
and just using the web browser version means i have to have open tabs and its just super inconvenient,
i saw different reddits about this and tried multipal solutions , none worked!

sometimes i get his kind of a message with their link that doesnt help

PLEASE i am BEGGING you for your help