So - I am in the process of finishing up a movie (headed to scoring so I just wait) and since I still have my werewolf costumes from the shoot we just finished, I'm doing a little lighter horror/comedy. What I need help with to stick the ending.
It's short - 10 pages so will be able 10-12 minutes long and is essentially this...we drop in on the closing minutes of an HOA meeting (highlighting the 5 board members are really snobby, pretentious, etc) and then Patrik (new guy just moved into the area) pipes up, complaining about a raccoon dumping his garbage everywhere. Patrik is also not a native english speaker so he fumbles for his words, raccoon is the best he can come up with. The HOA derides him for a messy yard, blah blah blah threatens to ticket him for his mess, etc. Patrik again searches for the english word for what when through his garbage, ultimately using is native language to say "werewolf" but the HOA dismisses this and then ultimately are so frustrating toward Patrik that Patrik leaves.
As he leaves, he sees the glowing eyes in the parking lot but safely makes it to his car.
The HOA wraps and then they head out. As several of them leave, the two most inflammatory members chuckle to themselves, congratulating each other on how "nice of a neighborhood they've made". The werewolf appears, decapitates them both.
Now, I am not married to any part of the script and it is all totally subject to change. I'm just seeking input or suggestions on how to flush this out. Ideally, it would be a short - still 10-15 pages, there can be more action - or less...I'm open to ideas. There can be gun! There can be several wolves!
Also - if any one wanted - I can send the script out for people to read. I was trying to write dialogue like the Cohen brothers to help with the piece since 80% takes place in a meeting room.
Currently - the HOA building is our current HOA building (which is why I wrote this piece cuz....they suck) which looks like a camping lodge and is located in the middle of a green belt (kind of a maintained wooded environment) so it looks like a totally plausible area for a wolf. I like that location just because it gives a feeling of an 80s camp slasher film but also has neighborhood houses close enough to bring it back to today.