What is your scariest high?

Back when I was 16 I was in this ghetto ass school and I was basically everyone’s plug so me and a bunch of “friends” go into the bathroom and decided yk what let’s have a blink off, I ended up taking the most blinkers (4) and then next period I had my headphones in and I was listening to music and the voices became hella distorted and my body was hella shaky and at one point I think I even yelled out wtf. It got so bad I legit almost asked the teacher to help me but then I decided to go up to the bathroom and I could barely make it up the stairs. My bsf (who was also in the class with me) came up to the bathroom after me and he grabbed me and was like “dude are you good your like tripping tf out” I think I was like that for another 2 hours honestly the second scariest high of my life.