It’s been 50 hours and i’m still high. I’ve tried everything

so a few days ago my mom gave me a hit off her weed cart and being the dumbass i am i hit it REALLY hard. Unfortunately i am a major lightweight. I don't know how many milligrams it was but it could not have been enough for it to fuck me up for the past 55 hours.

I can barely feel anything and i feel like im seeing and feeling everything in a slideshow. My head hurts constantly. i can barely process the world around me.

I've tried everything. Walking around a lot in cold weather, drinking a bunch of water, sleeping, showering, peppercorns, vitamins, carbonated/caffeinated drinks, etc. I even tried laxatives.. none of it did anything.

i don't know how long im gonna be like this. I have work tomorrow and obviously i am not fit to be going. the worst part is that going to urgent care will only make things worse seeing as i live in a state where weed is illegal. i'm starting to freak out. am i gonna be stuck like this forever?