Help me find my direction!

Hey there everyone! I am spiraling a bit and would love some feedback and suggestions. I am getting married in June and am running out of time to find something, but some body dysmorphia issues really have me stuck. I’m questioning a lot — the best fit for me, how much cleavage I’m willing to show as my boobs are a bit bigger than I’d like, the “feel” I want and whether embellishments hurt or help that… all in all, would love honest thoughts and feedback.

  • Dress 1: My favorite so far; adore the detachable sleeves, although I would likely get a little bit of the volume taken out of them. I like the overall feel, but have a few concerns: does it look too plain, will I be popping out of it even after alterations, and is it weird that the fabric crosses in the bodice but is then straight down? Stylist recommended a belt, but not sure I’d love that look. Also would prefer if it was a bit brighter if a white, but think I can compromise here!
  • Dress 2: I really liked this one in store, and for the life of me cannot see how looking back. I don’t love the color (in person, I remember this being more ivory than it shows here!) and now this does feel plain to me. Also unsure of how I feel about the more fitted skirt. Really thrown that I could feel so wrong, haha!
  • Dress 3: I also liked this one, but would have needed several changes before I really considered it. I would have had the deep plunge sewn up to look similar to the top of the other two, had the belt removed, and done a sleeve more similar to dress #1. I love the color and the slightly more slim skirt than dress 1 though!
  • Dress 4: As much as I love this one, I didn’t seriously consider it in store because the sleeves aren’t detachable. I love the look, but worry about a June wedding with sleeves! Looking back I maybe should have considered this a more serious contender.
  • Dresses 5-6: I also included a few more fitted styles. I really struggle with these, as it’s so hard to separate the feeling of being squeezed into a dress that’s really not my size and whether the style itself looks flattering. I would love some honest feedback on what folks think/any other styles I should be considering!

I’m also wondering if there’s a name for lace like this (last three pictures, larger print, white-on-white, and floral); I feel like this has the “clean” look I’ve tended to love in photos, but also wouldn’t feel plain to me in person! If you have any dress suggestions up to a $2,500 budget, I’m all ears!

Thank you to all you wonderful people reading this book of a post. Very much appreciate some additional eyes, ideas, and support! ❤️ also apologies if I used the wrong flair or anything!