Once a Bridesmaid, now I’m not.

Long story short. I'm a broke college student. Friend (14 years) asked me to be a bridesmaid. I agreed. She wants us to save $1500 for the wedding (Bach trip, dress, plan ticket) okay cool no problem. I was in the process of moving so all my money was going to bills and moving across country. The wedding is now a little over a year away and she "suggested" she replace me with someone else because she's disappointed that I hadn't started saving yet. When I explained that I would have no problem saving that ($1500) with the time we have remaining she wouldn't let up. We went back and forth and I was really trying to keep in mind that she's stressed and it is her big day but I really still wanted to be a part of it. At the end she was making me feel so bad about the situation I just ended it with explaining I was hurt but that's okay. It's your big day you can do whatever you feel you need to do. I completely understand it's stressful and nerve wrecking and it's not my day so I'll still be there to support her. (The convo got deep but we weren't going at each other throats or anything) So two weeks go by. She then proceeded to make a post on fb with a letter "(re)-introducing" her bridesmaids. The letter was a bridesmaid proposal to the girl replacing me and in the letter she says "at the start of wedding planning you and I were in a rough spot I was struggling with who I wanted to be by me on my big day. It is so clear to me now, after much disappointment from the ones I did choose that I did not choose correctly…” now I'm really hurt and I'm questioning if this person is even my friend? Like i know you're disappointed that you felt that I couldn't be in the wedding but did I really deserve that level of passive aggression? Also the "rough spot" she was in with the other girl was the fact that this other girl is her soon to be SIL who was talking crap about her to her fiancé's family. I do believe people can work things out and change but it still hurts that she would rather have her there than to give me a month or two to prove I can save that money. Anyways idk where to go from here.