Has anyone else encountered this mad lady

Right so a while ago I was walking down Parnell street and this woman stopped in front of me and took out her phone and I took no notice at first and walked past her until I heard her muttering behind me as if she was recording and she was saying all sorts like “look at all these sick perverted people in front of me all of them are absolute scum” and so I turned around and she was right behind me following me with the camera in my face and she goes “yes hun I’m talking about you” so I says to her what did I do and she steps infromt of me trying to grab my arm and says “you’re a pimp for the gardi and you know it” so I just ignored her and carried on but she runs ahead and starts flagging down a car that was stopped in the traffic and your wan rolled her window down and she started telling her all about me and telling her to watch out because “they’re all around us” and all sorts so I just walked off I wasn’t having any of it but it just left me so confused I hadn’t seen her before and I haven’t seen her since I need to know if this has happened to anyone else please and thank you