Got my first Casio

Got my first ever Casio, the ABL 100 WE 1B, considered the all black one (WEGG) for a while but really liked the silver look and didn't like the non-negative display on the WE 1A. All in all, love the watch.

Here are some things I use and don't use about the watch incase y'all might be considering:

Most Used: 1) Dual Time function: I need to track another timezone on the daily, so pretty useful however, not a fan that it takes up the big space and the local timezone goes up. I can swap it with a hold of a button but then the steps count is considered for the new time now, and if the other timezone crosses 12 AM then it gets reset. 2) Step Counter: I thought I wouldn't use this as much but I end up looking it up a lot. For no real reason actually, just to see how many steps I've taken and then go "nice". However there are discrepancies in steps counter for sure. 3) Find My Phone: Mostly cause it's there, also to scare my girlfriend when she's using my phone. There's no apparent notification or pop up, and it can get really loud. It's funny as fuck 4) Setting an Alarm using the phone: This one was surprisingly helpful, it is not super fun setting an alarm on a watch however setting it with a phone and sending it to the watch just let's me use it more frequently and easily.

Least Used: 1) Stopwatch Logs: Cannot be bothered, even as someone who is into go-karting, and timed activities like board games, just cannot be bothered, either I forget I have this feature or just think it's too much hassle and use my phone. 2) Same goes for the timer, but glad that I can set it using my phone, and then use it on the watch

The Negative Display: A lot of people online were not happy with this, as they say the visibility is poor. And honestly it is understated how poor the visibility is. You legit only get a few angle of clarity, otherwise you have to use the backlight. That being said, to me I don't mind it. It is worth it for me due to the color and also the LED backlight looks a billion times better on the negative displays than non-negative ones.

Overall, absolutely love this watch. Would recommend it to anyone and everyone.