I took a lunchtime walk outdoors because I’m just so angry now.
I ended up at 15th & Penn NW, behind a group of 5-6 white men, in their 50s or 60s with beards and bellies. One has a red ballcap on. They’re waiting for the light to change. But first they are going to hear from me.
As I overtake them I see that the red hat has a black-and-red maple leaf, the logo of Canada’s hockey team. Now the hat is not as ugly as I had thought.
I say something like: “Hey your guys beat the USA in hockey,” and I bump fists with the hat guy, who is cautious about agreeing. Then I’m like: “Good because our country got taken over by losers, and now we need to lose.”
Now we are cool for sure. These guys speak slowly with what must be a Quebecois accent. The hat guy explains, “Our countries have been close friends for so long, and it hurts to see that change.” And I agree wholeheartedly.
They begin to cross and I walk uphill in a different direction, feeling better than I did before.
TLDR I was going to trash talk some MAGA bros but they turned out to not be MAGA.