Mines, and how they should be implemented.
Good day.
I'm currently reading through Mine Warfare on Land by C.E.E. Sloan, and I really do feel that Warno should have mines in it.
Now before the community rips me limb from limb, I want to make some caveats.
This would be considered in a sense a separate game mode. You'd have standard WARNO, and then WARNO with mines, so that the players who want to play them can, and those that don't, well, don't have to.
Two, I also feel it may be good to have mines be implemented in a way that they damage, but do not kill vehicles.
This way, minefields would still have to be watched by forces, and wouldn't become impenetrable barriers.
I'm not sure how WARNO could represent infantry units wanting to medivac any wounded due to mines besides having a squad of 7/7 go to 6/7 and maybe take a hit in morale, but that may well be enough.
And of course this would have to have a mix of mine emplacing units (Sapper squads now have a real use, Helicopter or vehicle delivered mines, artillery delivered mines, as well as aircraft delivered ones), and mine removing units. Would also give more use to units equipped with bulldozer blades, and mine rollers could come into play.
In effect, mines would become another tool that could slow an opponent, but would not by themselves stop them, unless paired with defensive units.
This would also in a sense provide a big buff to the tripod MG's and the ATGM teams, as now they'd be able to use their range to reach out to hurt units trying to move through a minefield. Would also provide some balance towards infantry divisions against armour divisions, as these now force armour divisions to seriously consider if they want to charge across that field without engineering support and smoke.
I also feel that the ability to emplace minefields should be rather limited to prevent spamming, and that it should be rather obvious UI wise for the enemy where they are, for balance.