Is Calia stupid?
I know, Calia Menethil isn't the most liked character in the game.
Many say and feel as if Blizzard tried to shove an pure Alliance Character into the Horde, which I kinda agree?
At least she isn't Forsaken because, well. She was never forsaken like the Forsaken. She was never hunted nor hated by her own people for something, she had no say in it (speak, becoming an walking corpse).
But what really is grinding my guts is, how blantany stupid she is.
Like, really. It's like she sabotages the Horde in the northern Eastern Kingdoms.
Because she literally gave the Alliance with Gilneas an port and a second (mind you, Stromgarde) strong foothold to launch an Invasion into Lordaeron or Quel'Thalas if shit's ever to boil over again.
Which, in all honestly, feels just straight up stupid that the rest of the Horde was kinda just... okay with it.
But I wouldn't post it here if I didn't wanna know other opinions on that matter. So, yeah. What do you think about that hole thing?